Monday 26 September 2011

Year 12 Media Production


Youtube was used multiple times, and is refered to as digital technology. We used youtube to gain a wider perspective of the media production film that we created. We used the film we posted 'Psycho', directed by Hitchcock, and incorporated the ideas gained from these film. During the film the victim is killed without actually being seen, the sound and lighting all suggest that the audience is witnesses the murder but this is not the case. We used this technique as the victim is killed in the elevator. One disadvantage of using youtube is that around the school, besides the Mac Room, there is limited places that you can assess this website. We used youtube because it has quick assess, multiple choices, also there are prior comments of the films/clip left by past viewers, this gives a wider range of comments that can be used as pointers for your film. This also links to when the media production we created was posted on youtube, this has 27 views and contained comments which will help with the pre production for A2.  

Video Commentary, Blogger

Through digital technology, we used blog spot, this was used to document work completed in post production and also pre-production, this allowed the group to gain feedback for the work, allowing us to improve the work we have done. An example of when feedback assisted in the completion of the media production was during the final section of work, we had some incomplete footage, Miss Molenyeux suggested the use of a freeze frame which we used to fill the space left by the incomplete footage.  The blog also can be used to share work with other group members thus allowing for easy distribution of work. An example were this was used was during the pre production of the media production, as we considered the locations for the film. We posted the film on the blog and as a group we commented and decided upon the locations for the film. One problem of blogger is that videos sometimes failed to upload and uploading work is slow.  This became an issue during the final section where we had to comment over the media production on youtube. The video uploaded but later when I was going to work on the commentary, the video failed and I was unable to do the work. This was due to the servers crashing. One positive to using blogger was the use of an easy interface, allowing easy understanding and use of the blog. For example to create a new blog you just press 'new blog', the same with seeing the blog, you just have to press 'view blog'. Through there was problems with uploading, there was an easy way to upload videos, by putting in the URL into the the upload sections.  During pre production we posted film trailers and clips from films that we referenced or used techniques that we used in the media production.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Music Video Views

This is the song 'Prophet' by the band Rizzle Kicks. I like the way in which the video is created, which is like stop motion, possible pictures taken repeatedly then synced to fit with the music, this is a technique that I like and according to comments on the video this technique is called twixtor.  Another aspect of the music video that was successful was the editing; syncing the pictures with the music, light drawings or light manipulation throughout the video. For example in the beginning scene one of the band members has a halo made of light. Another strong point of the video is the mise en scene, there a multiple costume changes and location changes, this gives a nice energetic flow to the video and keeps it from being dull. There is an interesting mix between literal and performance.  The use of lighting is used to good effect to represent good and bad; one band member stands in high key lighting, in contrast to another band member, who stands in low key lighting. This could be easily incorporated into my media production. I would say that one weakness of this clip would be that the syncing is generally good but sometimes it's off, which could confuse the viewer.  Their 'twixtor' technique may be one that I will consider using in my media production.

The primary audience would be 16-25 years due to the band appealing to a younger age, it is similar to the band members age themselves. They belong to the popular genre of hip hop and rap which allows it to branch into other age and ethnic groups. Black British males is one such group, this would be due to the ethnicity of the band and also due to the area where their music is popular, which has a high black population. The secondary audience be aged 26-32, due to the fact that the band's music may not appeal to a more aged population. The gender would be a mix between British black and white due to them being best received here.