Monday 26 September 2011

Video Commentary, Blogger

Through digital technology, we used blog spot, this was used to document work completed in post production and also pre-production, this allowed the group to gain feedback for the work, allowing us to improve the work we have done. An example of when feedback assisted in the completion of the media production was during the final section of work, we had some incomplete footage, Miss Molenyeux suggested the use of a freeze frame which we used to fill the space left by the incomplete footage.  The blog also can be used to share work with other group members thus allowing for easy distribution of work. An example were this was used was during the pre production of the media production, as we considered the locations for the film. We posted the film on the blog and as a group we commented and decided upon the locations for the film. One problem of blogger is that videos sometimes failed to upload and uploading work is slow.  This became an issue during the final section where we had to comment over the media production on youtube. The video uploaded but later when I was going to work on the commentary, the video failed and I was unable to do the work. This was due to the servers crashing. One positive to using blogger was the use of an easy interface, allowing easy understanding and use of the blog. For example to create a new blog you just press 'new blog', the same with seeing the blog, you just have to press 'view blog'. Through there was problems with uploading, there was an easy way to upload videos, by putting in the URL into the the upload sections.  During pre production we posted film trailers and clips from films that we referenced or used techniques that we used in the media production.

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