Tuesday 4 October 2011

Evaluation of student work

There are two main strong points of the music video, one, the mise en scene and the other editing. The editing is particularity good in this student video, denoting the 'Minority Report' style computer screen which is completely created during the editing process. This was used to good effect as it linked all the different sections of the music video by the character 'dragging' the clips in. Also, denoting the mise en scene performance, are effectively filmed, with good lip syncing, giving this scene an authentic look. The only weakness is that the performance is all the same with very little variation, meaning these scenes become a little monotonous. There is a good use of close up and mid shots of the band. Through the mise en scene props and lighting, I denote the dark room with use of glow in the dark paint which is used well to change the tempo of the video and show good contrast between the dark and light sections of the music video. There is also good use of editing to the beat of the music. Generally I enjoyed and liked this music video through I would say that certain sections much as the 'minority report' style computer scenes were slightly to long.

This music video is mainly performance, mixed with some conceptual, which is created through the stop motion. The performance for this video is its strong point, the lip syncing is good and the band looks like they can actually play the instruments. The stop motions are used to good effect to break up the performance within the music video but does not overshadow the performance. I denote a wide range of camera angles and shots, mainly close ups of each of the band members. Through the lighting we denote an excellent location change, the lights go dark and come back on illuminating a different location. However overall I personally think the video is a little boring due to the lack of other things happening other than performance and stop motion.

This music video is the 'on tour' type of music video where the clips are supposedly taken from a bands tour. The strong point of this music video is the mise en scene; there is a good performance, good lip syncing, through some of the band, when they play I denote that they appear to be parodying other similar genre band performance. There is a good variety of locations; in the car, the party area, the performance area. Also the 'on tour' narrative is easy to follow and recognise. Through the cinematography I denote the good use of close ups on both the instruments and the band members. There is a constant use of lighting and lighting change which gives the performance an authentic feel, which keeps to the conventions of this type of music video. I personal like this music video due to there being a wide range of shots and it is edited to the beat reasonably well. One thing that I would improve would be the lighting in some of the scenes, such as in the car.

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