Tuesday 4 October 2011

Music video analysis

This is the song 'The Hand that Feeds', a song by NIN(Nine Inch Nails), this is a solely performance music video. Through the mise en scene, we see costume and performance, all the performers look similar to the lead singer Trent Rezner, this is due to him playing all the instruments in the band. This links to the star persona of the musician, his costume, though conventionally plain black t.shirt and jeans, the t shirt is tight which shows his muscles and displays his masculinity. Much like most performance videos, through the cinematography there are multiple close ups of the band and the instruments. There are slow zooms and fast camera tilts, this is a technique that I like as it makes a potentially mundane performance video interesting and captivating. This along with the energetic performance from the band means it retains the audiences attention. A similar performance video that I  like is Adele's 'Someone Like You'. It is edited using a blue filter and that along with the fast cutting creates an interesting video. A negative is that it is slightly repetitive. Overall I prefer a mix between performance and music video. Some of the techniques used in these performance videos e.g. close ups, fast pass tilt and camera movements, I may incorporate into my media production.

The primary audience for the NIN would be 35-45 white American males, the reason for the higher aged audience is due to the band having been going on for over ten years, which would generally raise the age of the target audience. The audience would be male due to the the genre; metal, rock, heavy metal, which is generally linked to a male audience. The secondary audience would be 20-40, with a social standing of most likely lower working class to lower middle class.

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