Tuesday 4 October 2011

Music Video Analisis

This is the song Mykanos by Fleet Foxes, I like this music video due to the interesting use of stop motion. The lighting used at the bottom of the picture due to the shadows created from the origami is interesting as it creates a focal point. Another positive element of the video is how the music and the images are synchronised, the images change to the music but not in a way most music videos do, where the images reflect the music. The micro aspects of the cinematography and mise en scene are forfeited due to the type of video. This may be the only negative, that the video seems to focus on music video techniques and is purely conceptual due as the video has no obvious links to the lyrics. The editing techniques could be said to be the stars of this video. Even though this video does have a scene of narrative it is not linked to the lyrics. The band creates mainly county music, with songs such as Ragged Woods and Sun Giant, the bands appearance gives of the 'country' look, this is due to their long hair and long beards. This is the chosen star persona of the band, which with links to the audience their music would most likely appeal to, a 25-40 white male audience, most likely American due to the nationality of the band. Other bands that this audience may like could be Bon Iver and Band of Horses. The secondary audience for this band would most likely be 18-24 region, this is due to them maybe being a popular band, though the 'country', 'folk' music genre is not generally a mainstream type of music. They would be white male and female, most likely British, due to the band being received well here.     

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